May 2024 – Leadership Board Minutes

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Aldersgate Church – Leadership Board Minutes
May 28, 2024

Attendance: Kevin Hoffman, Desiree Buck, Ryan Wilt, Jeff Lewis, Bob Winters, Nate Baum, Kristine Hackett, Randy Campbell, Nancy Mosella, Linda Jacob, Harvey Elder, Lydia Kelly, Jan Bowden

Missing: Pastor Bob, Dave Yoder, Jeff Kuhn

Guests: Pastor Jeff, Jennifer Rager, Miranda Moland, Deana Fornoff, Mandy Campbell

Opening / Spiritual Development

Call to Order & Welcome

            Harvey Elder called the meeting to order. Dave Y. is out of town.

Prayer / Devotional

Harvey read a passage from Psalm 127 about David.  David wanted to build God a temple, but God’s plan was for Solomon to build the temple, not David.  We must follow God’s plan in all that we do.

New Business

Financial Update, Financial Policy update

Ryan and Jennifer reviewed the April end of month financials. Overall, we are doing well and on target for the 2024 budget.  We are still operating with a surplus, but the amount dropped from March ($32,000) to April in the amount of $18,000. Ryan will work with Pastor Jeff to continue the monthly updates to the congregation.

The Sanctuary Renewal Project is progressing well, and we have received good feedback on the sound system that has been installed.  The total cost of the project is $268,000.  We have paid $182,000 to date for the work that has been completed.  The remaining payments will be made as the work is completed.

The proposed Financial Policy has been posted in Teams and will be brought to the Leadership Board in June for approval. All LB members were asked to review, post questions, and add any comments so all can see, and we can have a quick approval process in the June meeting.

Ryan also asked about the Endowment team process. We should elect or name an Endowment Manager, (Kent Springman, suggestion) to review the endowments and manage them. This also will be brought up at the June meeting.

Policy Updates including By-Laws, Safe Sanctuary Info

Randy said the By-Laws are almost ready to vote on. The section that must be discussed is the Nominations and Leadership Development description. Pastor Bob and Jan (Co-chair of NomCom) need to approve wording and process. By-laws will be ready for approval in June. LB members were asked to read this and discuss in Teams so we can approve in June.

Miranda then started the discussion about the Safe Sanctury document. Overall, the policy will be very similar to the process we have been using for years.  There are some questions that need LB approval. The final document will possibly be ready in July or August.

  • All staff must have all 3 clearances.
  • Volunteers must have the PA clearance and FBI (if not lived in state for 10 years) or waiver (has lived in state more than 10 years). Finger printing not required.
  • Training is required yearly, and clearances are renewed every 5 years for Volunteers and Staff.
  • Volunteers must be active in church at least for 6 months (need definition of active)
  • Outside groups must comply with the policy even if they have their own policy
  • All clearances be filed at Aldersgate (even outside groups)
  • The chain of command must be determined if an incident happens and how the mandatory reporting is done.
  • The helper role needs to be defined. And clearances need to be spelled out for both inside and outside groups. And do they need training yearly?
  • Who pays fees for clearances, and can the church help if there is a need?

Miranda will have questions posted on LB Teams site for discussion.

Randy reported that the Employee Manual has been posted on Teams for review. Preschool staff are now considered Aldersgate staff. This will also be brought to LB for approval in June. Please review and discuss on Teams.

The Next Steps Committee – status report:

Kevin reported the team has again started the process of looking for a connection that fits our 5 non-negotiables. There are only a very few organizations that meet these criteria. So, we are looking at these organizations and then compare the requirements or stay independent. Next meeting is in June.

Sanctuary Renewal Committee and Fund – update

Finances were reviewed in the Finance report. Ongoing – electrician coming in soon to do some work and lighting. The hope is that we will be done in June.

Regular Business

New Parking Lot – done and looks great!  This work cost $153,000 and has been fully paid.

Security Plan discussion

There was a team that looked at this a while back and needs to be recalled. After Phase 1 (the security cameras) was completed, the team did not start phase 2. Dave or Harvey will talk with Jeff about starting up the team to continue with Phase 2.

State of the Church

Men’s Fellowship / BBQ Night @ Bob Winters’ house on June 20th.

Deana reported that the building usage form is being reviewed and updated.


Closing prayer by Kevin and meeting was adjourned.

Submitted by

Jan Bowden 

Recording secretary