September 2024 – Leadership Board Minutes

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Aldersgate Church Leadership Board Minutes
September 24, 2024

Attendance: Jeff Lewis, Randy Campbell, Linda Jacob, Nate Baum, Bob Winters, NancyMosella, Kristine Hackett, Dave Yoder, Jef Kuhn, Harvey Elder, Ryan Wilt, Kevin Hoffman, Desirre Buck, Lydia Kelley, and Jan Bowden

Staff: Pastor Bob Kaylor, Pastor Jeff Markey, Jennifer Rager

Guests: Bob Davis, David Jones, Angela Jones, Kent Springman

Opening / Spiritual Development

Call to Order & Welcome Chair Dave welcomed and thanked those in attendance.

Prayer / Devotional

    Pastor Bob opened with a reading from Psalms 119.  It should be a joy and privilegeto speak the Word of God.

New Business

Missions Report

    Bob Davis said the mission team has re-organized into 3 teams and divided those places receiving financial support into these 3 teams.  They will report on what’s going on and each team will receive 1/3 of the missions budget on their group. They will distribute these dollars as needs arise.  Two teams are focused on local groups and one group will focus on the international missions. David Jones said one of the groups is the well water drilling which has been supported for over 30 years and more wells are still being dug.

    Bob & David said they are trying to find ways to communicate with the congregation about our missions – maybe call this “The Aldersgate Reach”. And would like to find ways to get entire families active in service.  They would like to develop a team for the upkeep of the church grounds because this is a way the children and youth can get involved.

Financial Update

    The Financial update was reviewed and discussed. We are still experiencing a deficient in our budget but not overly concerned.  Preschool has just started and had hasEndowments discussion some onetime expenses like carpet being replace in one of the classrooms. We expect this to resolve itself.

    The 2025 budget was discussed, and the increase is 6.3% with the total at $1.1 million. This includes $60,000 for missions. Staff made a “wish list” of things they wanted or needed in the next year. It was pared down and the necessary things have been included. They also discussed how this could help bring in new families. With an increase in families, we should be able to make up the increase. The question was asked if this topic should be discussed at our Church Conference in December.

Endowments discussion

    Kent Springman next started the conversation on where our Endowments stand and could we offset some of the Sanctuary Fund overrun.  Kent told us there are two funds that are available for general spending – The General Trust and the Marion Bidelman Fund.  We have $71,000 in the General Fund and $53,000 in the Bidelman Fund plus the interest income account for a total of $156,000 that could be used.  The overrun spending is approximately $75,000.  We could do a dedication service to let the congregation know we have completed the updating process between the 2 services on Sunday.

    Motion: From Ryan to transfer the 7% ($19,500) from the General Trust and ($12,700) from the Bidelman Trust. The second was provided by Jeff L and the vote approved this motion.

    A motion from Nate to approve the 2025 budget as presented. A second from Randy.  The vote carried. Jennifer then reported the compilation should be completed soon and it will be posted.

Financial Policy adoption

   Ryan completed the items that we requested to be changed.  He also reported that he had not been able to find what a retention plan should be.  A motion was presented by Ryan to accept the Financial Plan as presented without a retention plan which will be added later. A second was given by Desirre and the vote was approval.

    A question was asked concerning the application for the 501(c)(3). Randy reported it was not filed because as a church we are automatically approved as a non-profit and to get this designation could cause additional work in the future. Jennifer checked with an accountant, and they agreed it was not necessary for our church.

    Another question was posed about the annual review for Pastor Bob as in his contract. Pastor has provided a template and Harvey and Jeff L will connect with Pastor Bob to get this done.

The Next Steps Committee update

 This team has not met but will do so very soon. While we are not in a hurry, we

might want to inform the congregation as to why we are looking at this.  We need to do what is best for Aldersgate and the future. Pastor Bob has said we need some accountability.

Church Security: door lock schedule

   Deana provided a schedule of when doors are unlocked on Sunday.  

    A report was posted which was started in 2022. Work was stopped after the security cameras were installed. It was suggested that we have 2 plans – Church Security and Emergency plan.  We do have a text plan and can do 1 weekly (or 4 monthly) text if necessary.


Regular Business

Building issues – Jeff L is working on getting the closure on the West entrance door. It was also noted how nice the Memorial Garden looks and reported that it is not finished as some bulbs and flowers will be planted.

    Spangler & Boyer is working on giving us an estimate on AC units and possible replacement dates.


State of the Church

    Randy asked everyone to complete the security emails sent by Treysta called Webroot. It gives us updates on security issues on the internet.

Strategic Planning / Visioning

Review of 3-year strategic planning meeting

    At the Saturday Planning meeting it was suggested that we look at a Mothers Room (place for nursing babies) and getting a team together to study installation of an elevator.  This should be started in 2024.  

    The 2025 vision plan is to look at the Security plan, $31,000 for flooring replacement, and start a campaign to update restrooms and install an elevator.  

    The 2026 plan is to look at the Pastor’s contract and create a succession plan for the pastors.




Closing Prayer was given by Harvey.