August 2024 – Leadership Board Minutes

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Aldersgate Church – Leadership Board – August 27, 2024

Attendance: Dave Yoder, Jeff Lewis, Linda Jacob, Nancy Mosella, Bob Winters, Harvey Elder, Kristine Hackett, Nate, Desirre Buck, Kevin Hoffman, Ryan Wilt, and Jan Bowden

Connecting via Video: Randy Campbell

Absent: Jeff Kuhn and Lydia Kelly

Staff: Miranda Moland, Deana Fornoff, Pastor Bob Kaylor, Associate Pastor Jeff Markey, Jennifer Rager

Guests: David and Angela Jones

Call to Order:

​Pastor Bob opened meeting with a passage from Romans 8 – “Therefore” – a conclusion of what has just been said and should always pay close attention to text.  It’s Christ who lives in us.

New Business:

​Missions checking account closed as of August 1. We will see this in the financial report as of Sept.

​Preschool payroll will be starting up in September. Giving is slightly down but it’s about the same as last month. Paid some expenses for the bus- tail pipe repair.

​Ryan suggested using some Endowments to help offset the deficient. It was suggested that we have a “dedication” service for the sanctuary. It can indicate spending and “still need” of the funding. Telling what was done and the differences it makes for the online and in-person congregation. Could be done in between services.  Then we can determine how much could be taken out of the Endowment funds.

​Still need to convert the Women in Missions fund if they are using the church’s EIN.  If not, they can maintain their own account.  Dave and Harvey will work on this.

​The Financial Policy manual was just posted on the Teams site and will be voted upon at the Sept meeting.

​Pastor Bob’s annual review is due as per contract.  All other staff reviews have been done.  Dave will gather a couple of LB members to help with this.

​The Next Step team is down to 4 people.  Looking for some volunteers to help with this team which is looking at the connectivity for Aldersgate. The 5 non-negotiables were reviewed and the only group that fills these is the Global Methodist Church.  The team will be looking at interviewing someonefrom GMC, possibly Mark Webb, Carolyn Moore (when she is here in Oct), and/or others. Pastor Bob will ask for some resources for the team and get back to them. But for right now we are happy to be independent.

​Miranda asked if could speak with the Board concerning her stepping down from the Youth. She found when she had her annual review that she really wanted to stay home with her daughter.  This is very hard as she loves this group of kids, but also realized that the Youth Leader should be a full-time person and not part time.  She’s not stepping away from Aldersgate, but feel God is leading her in another direction.  She is willing to stay until someone is found and will do as she can to help a smooth transition whether that be yearend or in the spring of 2025. This is also to be kept confidential so she can tell her group and answer their questions first.

​We will have some team members from Missions to discuss their plans for 2025 at the Sept meeting.

​Angela Jones asked the question concerning a safety plan for the church. Do we have one?  The only response we could get is that there had been a team putting together a security plan and the first step was to put in the security cameras.  That was done, but nothing has been done since then. This is important and a team should be pulled back together or create a new team to get a plan in writing.

Building Issues:

​Carpets have been cleaned but it was reported that the carpets in the back offices have ripples and areas that have been ripped.  This needs to be investigated and a plan for fixing or replacing.

​There is a small issue with the closure of the West inside doors.  A new part has been ordered and could take approximately one month to finish. Jeff L will take care of this.

​David Jones would like to take care of the Memorial Garden and has drawn up a plan to refurbish it by removing some bulbs, flowers, etc. Replanting with plants that need less care.  The Memorial section will be expanded.  There is a line item in the budget that has approximately $4600 that more than covers any costs.  The excess mulch will be used to help control weeds.  There also is a bench in the lower level that could be used in the garden. A motion was made by Bob W to approve this plan with a second from Ryan.  The vote approved this plan.

State of the Church:

​Attendance has been good and is growing with new faces in the services. Pastor Bob spoke on what was sermon series would be until year end.  The Soup and Study will start October 2nd with Carolyn Moore speaking on Oct 5th & 6th.

​On Sept 21st will be the Leadership Board strategic visioning session. Dave will send out an invitation.

​Motion to adjourn the meeting was offered by Nancy and Ryan seconded.

Submitted by,

Jan Bowden, Recording Secretary