July 2024 – Leadership Board Minutes

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Aldersgate ChurchLeadership Board Minutes
July 23, 2024

Attendance: Bob Winters, Randy Campbell, Kristine Hackett, Nate Baum, Linda Jacob, Jeff Kuhn, Lydia Kelly, Desiree Buck, Jan Bowden.

Remote: Harvey Elder

Absent: Dave Yoder, Jeff Lewis, Nancy Mosella, Ryan Wilt, Kevin Hoffman

Staff present: Pastor Bob Kaylor, Assoc Pastor Jeff Markey, Deana Fornoff, Jennifer Rager, Miranda Moland

Opening / Spiritual Development

Call to Order and welcome by Kristine. Pastor Bob opened with “Storytime with Pastor Bob- A Fable about the lamb and a tiger in the forest – how often do we have an issue or a person we walk around just so we don’t have to deal with it?  (Peace is the objective and not to cause problems or dealing with bullies.) Pastor Bob then opened the meeting with prayer.

Minutes for June meeting was approved via email.

New Business

Financial Update was given by Jen Rager providing the statement of the June operating budget which is running about $8,000 in the red but normal for this time of year. No concerns about this.  The last invoice for the Sanctuary Renewal project has been paid and the total spent is $268,000. Jen is still working on the 2025 annual budget and hopes to present it at the August meeting.


Missions Funding is still being worked on and the checking account will soon be closed when all checks have cleared.  Working with the Mission team, they have resolved how to manage the funds, which will flow through the general checking account and managed by Jen.  She will be able to provide reports and a monthly account to the team. This money will be reported in a “sub” account in the QuickBooks accounting system. With this change, Missions will be able to focus on mission work rather than the administration of the funds. The Leadership Board will ask them to present their spending for the 2025 year.


Policy and Doctrinal Updates:

Safe Sanctuary PolicyMinor changes to the policy was requested such as changing Head Pastor to Lead Pastor and adding “If the Lead Pastor is not available reporting to the Associate Pastor is required. With these changes, a motion was made by Bob W to accept the policywith minor amendments.  A second from Jan. A vote approval by the Board for the policy. The question was asked about outside group and clearances.  The clearances will be checked by staff annually as the group starts up and any needed clearance will be required to be brought in. A question was asked if the Leadership Board members needed to have clearance and the response was only if they are working with children or vulnerable adults. Miranda will send a link if anyone wants to do the training.

By-Laws & Statement of Faith: The question was asked to have Affiliate member and Associate member defined better in this document.  Randy will make this change as discussed. With this amendment, the motion was made by Nate to accept policy with the definitions added.  A second from Bob W and the vote approved with changes.  A question was asked about the Statement of Faith.  After a brief discussion and confirmation that the Board members had read this statement. A motion was made by Bob W to accept the Statement of Faith to be added to the By-Laws. A second from Randy and the vote carried approval.

Preschool still looking for 3s Class Teacher: no further update


The Next Steps Committee (no changes or updates) -no update


Sanctuary Renewal Committee – update – With the completion of all projects, the team for Sanctuary Renewalwill be disbanded.  One minor project is still being worked on but is being handled by the Tech Team. With this Leadership Board style, it was discussed that since this was a team created can be disbanded without a vote.

Jeff K stated that he would like to form a team to work on the Memorial Garden.  There is lots of weeding to be done and the leftover mulch could be used to clean up the area as several congregants have commented about the look of the garden. This has been discussed among staff and they felt it was a project for the 2025 budget.  Jeff replied that we already have materials to update look and donations to do the work. Jeff K will meet with Deana to discuss plans and when volunteers plan to work on the garden.


Regular Business

Building issuesDeana will present future plans regarding other needed updates for the building – such as renovating the restrooms, much needed elevator, new carpets, and any other projects for budget consideration.

Dave, Harvey and Kristine will meet with Pastor Bob about the vision of the church for the next 2-3 years.


State of the Church

Pastor Bob said attendance running between 220-250 for the past few Sundays and lots of new faces in all services. The topic for the Sept sermon series will be finances and the John Wesley statement “Make all you can, save all you can and give all you can.”  The Ministry Team met and put together their calendar of events for the next 6 months. The Nominations Team has started the process to identify new leaders. Staff development reviews have been very beneficial. Funerals have occurred for the past two Mondays and recognize we have many congregation members in that age range. Pastor Bob and Jeff have been creating videos, and one had 10,000 views.  They are working with anAI company that takes the sermon and breaks it down into snippets to post. This might be why we are seeing new faces. We also have about 100 kids registered for VBS a week before it starts, which is very good.


Strategic Planning / Visioning

We will begin planning for staff/LB for a Saturday in September for visioning.


Next meeting will be August 27th at 6:30pm.


Closing Prayer and Adjournment by 7:35pm.

Recorded by Jan Bowden