April 2024 – Leadership Board Minutes

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Aldersgate Church – Leadership Board Minutes

April 23, 2024

Attendance: Dave Yoder, Harvey Elder, Jeff Lewis, Nancy Mosella, Ryan Wilt, Kristine Hackett, Jeff Kuhn, Kevin Hoffman, Nate Baum, Lydia Kelly, Linda Jacob, Desirre Buck, Jan Bowden. Via video: Randy Campbell, Bob Winters.  Staff: Pastor Jeff Markey, Jennifer Rager.

Call to Order:

With Pastor Bob Kaylor on vacation, Dave Yoder opened our meeting with a devotional based on Psalm 16:7-9 and prayer.

March Minutes were approved online with no corrections and posted on website by Pastor Jeff.

New Business:

Finances– Currently we are in the black by almost $32,000. The Sanctuary Renewal funds are running short by about $54,000. Overall, finances for the sanctuary renewal are not a concern as more donations should be coming in.

Jennifer continued by reporting that she has taken care of the York Township tax issue that developed due to our disaffiliation.  But the payment of $42,000 was averted after some conversations with York Township Board and the School Board. It seems there was some follow up and conversation between these 2 groups that didn’t happen.

Ryan reported that the Financial Policy manual will be completed by the May meeting for Leadership Board approval.

By-Laws and Policy Update: Randy has put together a draft and it is being reviewed by several people.  He should be able to bring it to the Leadership Board in May and have a plan of how we will review and approve this draft. Also, we need to follow up with our 501 (c) (3) status and when this should be finalized.

Endowments: Jan is working with Dan Calloway and Jody Leighty (an attorney from Stock & Leader). A date has been set and the agenda is being developed. More details as they are final. This meeting will be for the seniors to discuss the need for wills and estate planning. Jeff will help advertise both in and outside of our church.

Next Step Team: Dave Yoder is discussing the meeting date for those on the team to get restarted on our decision to either get connected with another organization or stay independent.  More information will be forthcoming.

Sanctuary Renewal progress: Jeff Lewis reported that some pews still need to be moved or fixed, which will happen within the next few days. Some pews have been shortened to accommodate wheelchairs. Painting is done and wiring will start on April 24th.

Jeff K then discussed the large cross. The plan was to hang the cross on chains in front of the alcove. But in a discussion with Mike Latimer, it is possible to mount the cross on special hooks or posts in the alcove and put LED lights on the back, which will be able to change color depending on the liturgical season. After some discussion, it was decided to put the cross on mounts in the alcove and put the LED lights behind it.

Regular Business:

Trustee update:

The boiler is working well.
There is currently an issue with the sewage pump. The float is not working correctly, and it must be manually started. Should be repaired soon.
Stagemasters have started their work and hopefully will have their work done by July.
The flooring in sanctuary has some places that need to be repaired due to the pews not being replaced in the same way.
Paving of the parking lot will start on May 20th.  It should be completed that week. Nate will work with the line painter to schedule. Deana will be able to approve the cost of this.
The Preschool fence project should be completed by the end of May.
Mike Latimer has worked to remove the large cherry tree on the West lawn with help from a few volunteers.  Mike took the wood away and cleaned up the site.  Motion: Give Mike a token of appreciation as a gift card in the amount of $500. This motion was provided by Jeff L and seconded by Jeff K. Vote approved this motion.  (To have a professional tree company come in and do this work would have cost over $2,500.)

State of the Church:

Pastor Jeff reported everything is going well in fact everything is very smooth running and quiet. Pastor Bob will return 4-29.

Jan reported that the Safe Sanctuary team has been formed but waiting for a couple teachers to be out of school to help with reviewing.  A possible review will be August or September.

A question was asked about signup sheets in West Lobby.  This is still permitted for events if the registration system is updated so accurate counts are in the Planning System.


With no other business, the meeting was adjourned by 7:35pm, following a closing prayer by Harvey Elder.


Respectfully submitted by:


Jan Bowden

Recording secretary